Membership Study - Garden Activity - Anti-Racism Training

Anti-racism updates found in weekly newsletter.


Covenant Partnership - Be in deep relationship with God and with one another in covenant service and example.



Participate in this all-community event at any level of physical capacity - lettering signs, painting, planting, seeding, putting down ground cover, weeding and so much more. EVERYONE is invited to come and go at your choosing!



Membership in The United Methodist Church is a big deal that cannot be emphasized enough. It is big in the context of our spirituality and our commitment to Christian community. Just take a look at the liturgy for membership here. When you read this liturgy carefully, you might agree that we are in fact talking about something that runs much deeper than membership especially in a day when this word is tossed around so casually. We are going to change the idea of membership and call it Covenant Partnership. 

Membership in a big organization like The United Methodist Church doesn’t mean all that much to those who have grown understandably resistant to and skeptical of institutions. Even more, when the church has been portrayed as homophobic, and racist, and for turning a blind eye to injustice there is an understandable resistance to membership. The church is called to live alternatively to the rest of the world and sometimes we need to make changes that make it clear we are behaving in this alternative manner. Calling something different is a subtle change that reflects a more significant shift in process.

Sunnyside will offer group consideration of Covenant Partnership. Persons who desire to enter this relationship with a congregational family of faith may indicate their desire and group preparation will be arranged.

Together participants will develop a common grammar of faith, a common understanding of the work of God through this church, and a starting point for understanding God’s call in their own lives so that we can all partner with God to build the front porch in and through this local church.  

There is an additional engagement for all who desire baptism for themselves, their children, or whoever might need a refresher for renewal of baptism. Again, indicate your desire for experiencing the covenant of baptism, who would be the participants and when we can come together for this work

Now, to those who are already members of the Sunnyside faith community; it would be a great gesture of hospitality to commit yourselves to this process to come to know and welcome those who are new. Engaging these classes might even strengthen your own relationships to God and deepen your awareness of God’s call in your own life. Those who have been here for a long time are encouraged to engage this process and renew your membership claiming Covenant Partnership.